Monday, February 27, 2006

Catching up

Sorry for the lengthy lapse there... I have been meaning to post for a while now, but do to the fact that life seems so static and repetitive these days I often find myself uninspired. It's not that I haven't been doing anything exciting here on the left coast. Far from it really! Rather it's more having only a short time ago, having nothing more than a whim influence my daily 'routine.' Realizing that tinge to the air is completely new, yet perplexed by it's ability to somehow seem so familiar? The slightest breeze conveying the nearly forgotten memories of years past. Looking up at the night sky and seeing Tucana, the Phoenix, Vela, and Crux (the southern cross); yet another reminder of how far I had come. Often things were so different and bizarre that I could have been dreaming...

No, things have been excellent out here!. The wild parties in LA, seeing old friends, and going to new bouldering areas have been occupying most of my time. I even saw my Mom as she stopped off for a brief visit before returning home to NZ!. This all gets crammed in around my regular work week of course! In fact I saw my first Cirque Du Soleil show (Quidam) the other day. It was quite an impressive performance. A few of the 'acts' showed such power and athletic prowess... very inspiring really!. Hence the recent postings. Well, enjoy.

Advertisement? No... just two people who don't share well!

Michelle getting agonizingly close, but to only be thwarted and spit off of the final slopey edges guarding the finish on 'Europa'.

Bridget working her way out the excellent moves that are 'Europa'! Jupiters, CA.

Ian flying for it on a savage little campus problem at the Jupiters, CA.

Mr. B Hyatt and myself apparently in the midst of a funny face competition... perhaps well on our way to oblivion?!.

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