Tuesday, April 18, 2006


It was like a college reunion given the crew we had together (I hadn't seen some of those guys in years!)... after a crazy weekend of partying down in PB I grabbed a quick nap before loading up the truck and hitting the road. Andy slept soundly while I drove through the night, but I finally had to pull over around 4am somewhere north of Vegas as exhaustion was setting in. Up and on the road by seven thirty for we were going climbing and time was against us... finally the familiar smoke stacks of Castledale could be seen on the distant horizon. It wouldn't be long now! One more brief stop at the Food Ranch for last minute provisions and we were in 'Americas Playground' Joe's Valley. Excellent black and tan streaked sandstone blocks with more than enough variety and quantity to busy ourselves for our short stay. Although a touch on the warm side, the weather was good. With the full moon; sessioning well into the dark wasn't a problem and as evening came on the conditions became prime. Andy was climbing quite well and sending hard (especially given that only a few months prior he had undergone extensive wrist surgery)!. I faired all right myself sending a few old projects and ticking a few new lines too. Much thanks to Jason for showing us what the 'guide' could not. Before we knew it we were driving towards SLC and Andy's flight back to Montana. I was able to get in one more day at Joe's before heading back the twelve hours to San Diego... Easter traffic, head cold, and all.

ps- as Stevie was not able to come down (due to his busy schedule) I still don't have any more Baja photos.. hopefully before long I will be able to post them.


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