High in SoCal
Apart from climbing I have been steadily working away. I was able to make it to San Francisco several weeks ago for my father was in the country. It had been a while since I had seen him or my brother, so that was excellent! Although it was a short trip it is such a fun city to visit plus the good company made it well worth it.
I have had a few minor strains and tweaks lately. However; what I thought were going to be major setbacks have since sorted themselves out and now feel stronger than before.. bizarre, but a major relief. I am going to post some more Baja pics soon, so if that interests anyone than check back and look in Aprils? archive and see what Stevie sent me... That's it for now and I will try and be more consistant with this thing.
ps- just remembered: there is a short video that I am in from my trip to Utah on DrTopo.com in his media section (Spring '06) check it out!